Specializing for over 25 years

Tyne Engineering specializes in the design and manufacture of complex engineering systems in the fields of process engineering, mechanical engineering, and Instrumentation and Controls for nuclear and tritium-handling industries.

→  Areas of Experience

  • tritium management process systems design and manufacturing
  • customized nuclear safety related and skid mount equipment
  • nuclear instrumentation and electronics
  • commercial grade dedication
  • nuclear power plant obsolescence and reverse engineering
  • research and development

→  Servicing Industries

  • nuclear
  • homeland security
  • health physics & medicine
  • environmental
  • water resources
  • space exploration
  • food and agriculture
  • research and development

→  Nuclear Certifications

  • ISO9001:2015
  • 10CFR50AppB (Quality Assurance for Nuclear Power Plants)
  • 100CFR21
  • ASME NQA-1
  • EPRI-NP-5625 (for Commercial Grade Dedication)
  • CSA-N285.0 (for Nuclear Pressure Retaining Items, certified by TSSA)
  • CSA-B51 (including TSSA Certification to ASME Section VIII Div 1, ASME B31.3, ASME B31.1)
  • CSA-N286.7-16 (Quality Assurance for Safety-Related Computer Software)
  • CSA- N299.1 (Items and Services for Nuclear Power Plants)

→  Servicing Customers Worldwide

Room tritium-in-air monitor

Model 7045

Tyne Engineering’s new Model 7045 Room Tritium-In-Air Monitor is a rack mounted or wall mounted, more sensitive version of our popular Model 7043 Portable Tritium Monitor. The 7045 is intended for room monitoring for both tritium and gamma.

  • Simple to use, uses only one operating switch with four settings: Off, Sample, Pump, Set Up.
  • Gamma Compensation with four large ion chambers arranged in a cruciform configuration. Two chambers are used for measuring the air sample, and two are for background compensation.
  • Better than 90% accurate in 20 mR/hr field.
  • High Sensitivity. The current amplification circuit employs ultra-low leakage technology. Each chamber has its individual amplifier, increasing the signal-noise ratio of the analog circuit.
  • Radon compensation is provided by an analog filter circuit designed to separate out the radon spike. The software can distinguish the radon spike from the tritium signal occurring as a slow-change signal.
  • Ion-traps are built into each ion chamber.
  • Noble gas compensation.
  • Direct gamma measurement is provided using an installed GM tube.
  • Decontamination by purging of all 4 ion chambers can be achieved with use of the centrally installed cartridge heater.

Compensation for Gamma background is crucial in tritium measurement, since a gamma field of 1mR/Hr will generate 500 times the ionization generated in 1μ Ci/m3 of tritium. Tyne designed the four ion chambers in a cruciform with each chamber connected to an ultra sensitive electrometer amplifier and filter. All signals pass through the ADC converter, and the micro-processor calculates and displays the tritium value. To cover high ranges of tritium a separatesmall ion chamber is used. Measurements such as flow from the solid state flow meter and chamber temperature are also monitored by the micro- processor.

Instrument output includes analog (0-5V, 4-20mA); relay alarm contact (30VDC, 1A) for operation of external equipment; and communication (RS232/RS485) to enable downloading or recording of information onto a computer. The TFT full color

LCD display mounted on the surface plate clearly displays instrument readings in both digital and graphic format to show real time measurements and trends.

related Tritium In-Air-Monitors

Tyne is an industry leader in the design and manufacturing of portable, wall mount and room radiation monitoring instruments.   Our range of products extend from low cost and simple to use to highly specialized computer controlled systems that will ensure accurate monitoring. We offer complete monitoring solutions customized to our clients’ unique requirements.